Generated Key Slash Plus Sign

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Alternatively referred to as a backward slash and reverse solidus, the backslash is a character ( ) first introduced by Bob Bemer in 1960.

  1. Generated Key Slash Plus Sign In Email
  2. Generated Key Slash Plus Sign In Account
  3. Generated Key Slash Plus Sign In Word
  4. Generated Key Slash Plus Sign In Excel

Although 'slash' is most often used to describe the forward slash, it could be used to describe either a forward slash or backslash. It is better to say 'backslash' or 'whack' instead of 'slash' when telling someone to enter a backslash.

It’s been centuries since the events of Torchlight II, and the Ember Empire is in decline. In Torchlight III, Novastraia is again under threat of invasion and it’s up to you to defend against the Netherim and its allies. Gather your wits and brave the frontier to find fame, glory, and a new adventure! List of Characters on a French Canadian Keyboard. And the key action which is generated is indicated when you press the key alone (by itself with no modifier.


Early typewriters and computer keyboards only had a forward slash. The backward slash was not made popular until MS-DOS started being used.

Where is the backslash key on the keyboard?

Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the backslash key highlighted in blue. It is also not uncommon for this key to be directly below the Backspace key and above the Enter key.

How to create a backslash

Creating the symbol on a U.S. keyboard

On English PC and Mac keyboards, the backslash key is also the pipe key. It is located above the Enter key (Return key), and below the Backspace key. Pressing this key create a backslash.

Creating the symbol on a smartphone or tablet

To create a quote symbol on a smartphone or tablet open the keyboard and go into the numbers (123) or symbols (sym) section and then tap on the symbol.

What is a backslash used for on a computer?

Generated Key Slash Plus Sign

A backslash can be used to represent a file path in MS-DOS and Windows. For example, c:windows is an example of the backslash being used. A backslash may also be used for any of the following reasons.

  • The backslash is used as an escape character.
  • A file and directory separator in a file path.
  • A networked computer or folder in a network path.

Related backslash pages

Forward slash, Keyboard terms, Slant, Slash

This chapter helps you learn the basics of using SQL*Plus. It has the following topics:

4.1 About Entering and Executing Commands

Unless stated otherwise, descriptions of commands are applicable to all user interfaces.

In the command-line, type commands at the SQL*Plus prompt and press Return to execute them.

Usually, you separate the words in a command with a space or a tab. You can use additional spaces or tabs between words to make your commands more readable.

Case sensitivity is operating system specific. For the sake of clarity, all table names, column names, and commands in this guide appear in capital letters.

You can enter three kinds of commands:

  • SQL commands, for working with information in the database

  • PL/SQL blocks, also for working with information in the database

  • SQL*Plus commands, for formatting query results, setting options, and editing and storing SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks

The manner in which you continue a command on additional lines, end a command, or execute a command differs depending on the type of command you wish to enter and run. Examples of how to run and execute these types of commands are found on the following pages.

4.1.1 The SQL Buffer

The SQL buffer stores the most recently entered SQL command or PL/SQL block (but not SQL*Plus commands). The command or block remains in the buffer until replaced by the next SQL command or PL/SQL block. You can view the buffer contents with the LIST command.

You can execute the command or block in the SQL buffer using the RUN or /(slash) commands. RUN displays the command or block in the buffer before executing it. /(slash) executes the command or block in the buffer without displaying it first. For information about editing a command or block stored in the buffer see About Editing Scripts in SQL*Plus Command-Line.

SQL*Plus does not store SQL*Plus commands, or the semicolon or slash characters you type to execute a command in the SQL buffer.

4.1.2 About Executing Commands

In command-line SQL*Plus, you type a command and direct SQL*Plus to execute it by pressing the Return key. SQL*Plus processes the command and re-displays the command prompt when ready for another command.

4.2 About Listing a Table Definition

To see the definitions of each column in a given table or view, use the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command.


DESCRIBE accesses information in the Oracle Database data dictionary. You can also use SQL SELECT commands to access this and other information in the database. See your Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for details.

Example 4-1 Using the DESCRIBE Command

To list the column definitions of the columns in the sample view EMP_DETAILS_VIEW, enter

4.3 About Listing PL/SQL Definitions

To see the definition of a function or procedure, use the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command.

Example 4-2 Using the DESCRIBE Command

To create and list the definition of a function called AFUNC, enter

4.4 Running SQL Commands

The SQL command language enables you to manipulate data in the database. See your Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information on individual SQL commands.

  1. At the command prompt, enter the first line of the command:

    If you make a mistake, use Backspace to erase it and re-enter. When you are done, press Return to move to the next line.

  2. SQL*Plus displays a '2', the prompt for the second line. Enter the second line of the command:

    The semicolon (;) means that this is the end of the command. Press Return or click Execute. SQL*Plus processes the command and displays the results:

    After displaying the results and the number of rows retrieved, SQL*Plus command-line displays the command prompt again. If you made a mistake and therefore did not get the results shown, re-enter the command.

    The headings may be repeated in your output, depending on the setting of a system variable called PAGESIZE. Sometimes, the result from a query will not fit the available page width. You can use the system variable, LINESIZE, to set the width of the output in characters. See Setting Page Dimensions. Typically, LINESIZE is set to 80 in command-line. Whether you see the message stating the number of records retrieved depends on the setting of the system variable, FEEDBACK. See System Variables that Affect How Commands Run for more information.

Example 4-3 Entering a SQL Command

In this example, you will enter and execute a SQL command to display the employee number, name, job, and salary of each employee in the EMP_DETAILS_VIEW view.

4.4.1 About Understanding SQL Command Syntax

Just as spoken language has syntax rules that govern the way we assemble words into sentences, SQL*Plus has syntax rules that govern how you assemble words into commands. You must follow these rules if you want SQL*Plus to accept and execute your commands. About Dividing a SQL Command into Separate Lines

You can divide your SQL command into separate lines at any points you wish, as long as individual words are not split. Thus, you can enter the query you entered in Example 4-3 on three lines:

In this guide, you will find most SQL commands divided into clauses, one clause on each line. In Example 4-3, for instance, the SELECT and FROM clauses were placed on separate lines. Many people find this clearly visible structure helpful, but you may choose whatever line division makes commands most readable to you. About Ending a SQL Command

You can end a SQL command in one of three ways:

  • with a semicolon (;)

  • with a slash (/) on a line by itself

  • with a blank line

A semicolon (;) tells SQL*Plus that you want to run the command. Type the semicolon at the end of the last line of the command, as shown in Example 4-3, and press Return or click Execute. SQL*Plus processes the command and also stores the command in the SQL buffer. See The SQL Buffer for details. If you mistakenly press Return before typing the semicolon, SQL*Plus prompts you with a line number for the next line of your command. Type the semicolon and press Return again or click Execute to run the command.

A slash (/) on a line by itself also tells SQL*Plus that you wish to run the command. Press Return at the end of the last line of the command. SQL*Plus prompts you with another line number. Type a slash and press Return again or click Execute. SQL*Plus executes the command and stores it in the buffer.

A blank line in a SQL statement or script tells SQL*Plus that you have finished entering the command, but do not want to run it yet. Press Return at the end of the last line of the command. SQL*Plus prompts you with another line number.


You can change the way blank lines appear and behave in SQL statements using the SET SQLBLANKLINES command. For more information about changing blank line behavior, see the SET command.

To execute commands this way, press Return again; SQL*Plus now prompts you with the SQL*Plus command prompt. SQL*Plus does not execute the command, but stores it in the SQL buffer. See The SQL Buffer for details. If you subsequently enter another SQL command, SQL*Plus overwrites the previous command in the buffer.

4.5 About Running PL/SQL Blocks

You can also use PL/SQL subprograms (called blocks) to manipulate data in the database. See your Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for information on individual PL/SQL statements.

SQL*Plus treats PL/SQL subprograms in the same manner as SQL commands, except that a semicolon (;) or a blank line does not terminate and execute a block. Terminate PL/SQL subprograms by entering a period (.) by itself on a new line. You can also terminate and execute a PL/SQL subprogram by entering a slash (/) by itself on a new line.

You enter the mode for entering PL/SQL statements when:

  • You type DECLARE or BEGIN. After you enter PL/SQL mode in this way, type the remainder of your PL/SQL subprogram.

  • You type a SQL command (such as CREATE PROCEDURE) that creates a stored procedure. After you enter PL/SQL mode in this way, type the stored procedure you want to create.

SQL*Plus stores the subprograms you enter in the SQL buffer. Execute the current subprogram with a RUN or slash (/) command. A semicolon (;) is treated as part of the PL/SQL subprogram and will not execute the command.

SQL*Plus sends the complete PL/SQL subprogram to Oracle Database for processing (as it does SQL commands). See your Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for more information.

You might enter and execute a PL/SQL subprogram as follows:

4.5.1 About Creating Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are PL/SQL functions, packages, or procedures. To create stored procedures, you use the following SQL CREATE commands:








Entering any of these commands places you in PL/SQL mode, where you can enter your PL/SQL subprogram. For more information, see About Running PL/SQL Blocks. When you are done typing your PL/SQL subprogram, enter a period (.) on a line by itself to terminate PL/SQL mode. To run the SQL command and create the stored procedure, you must enter RUN or slash (/). A semicolon (;) will not execute these CREATE commands.

When you use CREATE to create a stored procedure, a message appears if there are compilation errors. To view these errors, you use SHOW ERRORS. For example:

See SHOW for more information.

To execute a PL/SQL statement that references a stored procedure, you can use the SQL*Plus EXECUTE command. EXECUTE runs the PL/SQL statement that you enter immediately after the command. For example:

See EXECUTE for more information.

4.6 Running SQL*Plus Commands

You can use SQL*Plus commands to manipulate SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks and to format and print query results. SQL*Plus treats SQL*Plus commands differently than SQL commands or PL/SQL blocks.

To speed up command entry, you can abbreviate many SQL*Plus commands. For information on and abbreviations of all SQL*Plus commands, see SQL*Plus Command Reference.

  1. Enter this SQL*Plus command:

    If you make a mistake, use Backspace to erase it and re-enter. When you have entered the line, press Return. SQL*Plus notes the new format and displays the SQL*Plus command prompt again, ready for a new command.

  2. Enter the following query and press Return to run it:

Example 4-4 Entering a SQL*Plus Command

This example shows how you might enter a SQL*Plus command to change the format used to display the column SALARY of the sample view, EMP_DETAILS_VIEW.

The COLUMN command formatted the column SALARY with a dollar sign ($) and a comma (,) and gave it a new heading.

4.6.1 About Understanding SQL*Plus Command Syntax

SQL*Plus commands have a different syntax from SQL commands or PL/SQL blocks.

You do not need to end a SQL*Plus command with a semicolon. When you finish entering the command, you can just press Return or click Execute. There is no need to end a SQL*Plus command with a semicolon. About Continuing a Long SQL*Plus Command on Additional Lines

You can continue a long SQL*Plus command by typing a hyphen at the end of the line and pressing Return. If you wish, you can type a space before typing the hyphen. SQL*Plus displays a right angle-bracket (>) as a prompt for each additional line.

For example:

Since SQL*Plus identifies the hyphen as a continuation character, entering a hyphen within a SQL statement is ignored by SQL*Plus. SQL*Plus does not identify the statement as a SQL statement until after the input processing has joined the lines together and removed the hyphen. For example, entering the following:

returns the error:

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To ensure that the statement is interpreted correctly, reposition the hyphen from the end of the first line to the beginning of the second line.

4.7 System Variables that Affect How Commands Run

The SQL*Plus SET command controls many variables—called SET variables or system variables—which affect the way SQL*Plus runs your commands. System variables control a variety of conditions within SQL*Plus, including default column widths for your output, whether SQL*Plus displays the number of records selected by a command, and your page size.

The examples in this guide are based on running SQL*Plus with the system variables at their default settings. Depending on the settings of your system variables, your output may appear slightly different than the output shown in the examples. (Your settings might differ from the default settings if you have a SQL*Plus LOGIN file on your computer.)

See the SET command for more information on system variables and their default settings. See SQL*Plus Configuration and SQLPLUS Program Syntax for details on the SQL*Plus LOGIN file.

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To list the current setting of a system variable, enter SHOW followed by the variable name. See the SHOW command for information on other items you can list with SHOW.

4.8 About Stopping a Command while it is Running

Suppose you have displayed the first page of a 50 page report and decide you do not need to see the rest of it. Press Cancel, the system's interrupt character, which is usually CTRL+C. SQL*Plus stops the display.

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Pressing Cancel does not stop the printing of a file that you have sent to a printer with the OUT clause of the SQL*Plus SPOOL command. (You will learn about printing query results in Formatting SQL*Plus Reports.) You can stop the printing of a file through your operating system. For more information, see your operating system's installation and user's guide.

4.9 About Running Operating System Commands

You can execute an operating system command from the SQL*Plus command prompt. This is useful when you want to perform a task such as listing existing operating system files.

To run an operating system command, enter the SQL*Plus command HOST followed by the operating system command. For example, this SQL*Plus command runs the command, DIRECTORY *.SQL:

When the command finishes running, the SQL*Plus command prompt appears again.


Operating system commands entered from a SQL*Plus session using the HOST command do not affect the current SQL*Plus session. For example, setting an operating system environment variable does not affect the current SQL*Plus session, but may affect SQL*Plus sessions started subsequently.

You can suppress access to the HOST command. For more information about suppressing the HOST command see SQL*Plus Security.

4.10 About Pausing the Display

You can use the PAUSE system variable to stop and examine the contents of the screen after each page during the display of a long report, or during the display of a table definition with many columns.

You can use SET PAUSE to pause output after displaying each screen of a query or report. See SET PAU[SE] {ON OFF text} for more information.

4.11 About Saving Changes to the Database Automatically

You can specify changes you wish to make to the information stored in the database using the SQL Database Manipulation Language (DML) commands UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE—which can be used independently or within a PL/SQL block. These changes are not made permanent until you enter a SQL COMMIT command or a SQL Database Control Language (DCL) or Database Definition Language (DDL) command (such as CREATE TABLE), or use the autocommit feature. The SQL*Plus autocommit feature causes pending changes to be committed after a specified number of successful SQL DML transactions. (A SQL DML transaction is either an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE command, or a PL/SQL block.)

You control the autocommit feature with the SQL*Plus AUTOCOMMIT system variable. Regardless of the AUTOCOMMIT setting, changes are committed when you exit SQL*Plus successfully.

When the autocommit feature is turned on, you cannot roll back changes to the database.

To commit changes to the database after a number of SQL DML commands, for example, 10, enter

SQL*Plus counts SQL DML commands as they are executed and commits the changes after each 10th SQL DML command.


For this feature, a PL/SQL block is regarded as one transaction, regardless of the actual number of SQL commands contained within it.

To turn the autocommit feature off again, enter the following command:

To confirm that AUTOCOMMIT is now set to OFF, enter the following SHOW command:

See SET AUTO[COMMIT]{ON OFF IMM[EDIATE] n} for more information.

Example 4-5 Turning Autocommit On

To turn the autocommit feature on, enter

Alternatively, you can enter the following to turn the autocommit feature on:

Until you change the setting of AUTOCOMMIT, SQL*Plus automatically commits changes from each SQL DML command that specifies changes to the database. After each autocommit, SQL*Plus displays the following message:

4.12 About Interpreting Error Messages

If SQL*Plus detects an error in a command, it displays an error message. See SQL*Plus Error Messages for a list of SQL*Plus error messages.

You will often be able to figure out how to correct the problem from the message alone. If you need further explanation, take one of the following steps to determine the cause of the problem and how to correct it:

Oct 30, 2017  Dismiss Join GitHub today. GitHub is home to over 40 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Snipe-it artisan not generating key free. Nov 27, 2019  What method you used to install Snipe-IT (, manual installation, docker, etc). So for this issue what I did was use the command php artisan key:generate -show This will show u the key instead of adding it to the env file. Copy and paste the key from there and it worked. Jan 25, 2019  Expected Behavior (or desired behavior if a feature request) To generate key (what you expect to happen goes here) Generate Key Actual Behavior Error: filegetcontents (c:wampwwwsnipe-it/.env): no such file or directory (what actuall.

  • If the error is a numbered error beginning with the letters 'SP2', look up the SQL*Plus message in SQL*Plus Error Messages.

    This exquisite level of search adaptability and extensive web browsing is the reason for its popularity. The program has an extensive user guide where he can access help and tips right from the developer. This built-in Help Section makes the digital experience of the user even more productive and efficient. Windows 8.1 build 9600 product key list. Another essential feature is the return of the Start Button in this program.

  • If the error is a numbered error beginning with the letters 'CPY' look up the SQL*Plus COPY command message in COPY Command Messages.

  • If the error is a numbered error beginning with the letters 'ORA', look up the Oracle Database message in the Oracle Database Error Messages guide or in the platform-specific Oracle documentation provided for your operating system.

  • If the error is a numbered error beginning with the letters 'PLS', look up the Oracle Database message in the Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference.

If the error is unnumbered, look up correct syntax for the command that generated the error in SQL*Plus Command Reference for a SQL*Plus command, in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a SQL command, or in the Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for a PL/SQL block. Otherwise, contact your DBA.

Example 4-6 Interpreting an Error Message

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If you attempt to execute a file that does not exist or is unavailable by entering:

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An error message indicates that the table does not exist: