Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key

Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key 8,1/10 3000 reviews

using Unicorn, Nginx, PostgreSQL, active_storage, Amazon S3. Combined summary of all guides.

  1. Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Name
  2. Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Time
  3. Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Free
  4. Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Found

💧 1. Basic Droplet/SSH Set Up

Create Droplet: Ubuntu 16.04

Your root password is e-mailed to you.

Create SSH Key [Guide]

Rails credentials:edit If you don’t have a master key, that will be created too. Applications after Rails 5.2 automatically have a basic credentials file generated that already contains the. For developers we do not need to do any changes in source code of the app only in our deployment pipe line we adding secrets.yml.enc who overrides defaults to final secrets per environments. Environment: Development / Test. Only plain rails secrets.yml with possibility to re-configure rails secrets via ENV for unit tests.

Enter .ssh directory:

$ cd ~/.ssh

Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Name

Generate Key:

May 21, 2019  The encrypted version of the credentials file is in config/credentials.yml.enc and the corresponding master key in config/master.key. The later is a.

$ ssh-keygen

Save DigitalOcean (DO) key with created key-password

$ ~/.ssh/id_do_mac

Save key-password in password manager

Add Public Key To Digital Ocean [Guide]

Copy public key to clip board:

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_do_mac.pub pbcopy

Add SSH Key to Digital Ocean Account Name MacOS:

Home>Security>Add SSH Key

💻 2. Initial Server Setup [Guide]

Create Non Root User

Create deploy-password add to password manager.

Give deploy root privileges:

Add Public Key Auth to Your Server

Use already created local SSH key and add to the server.

Paste SSH Key to Deployed User's Authorized Keys

To generate a key with PuTTY, you should: Download and start the puttygen.exe generator. In the 'Parameters' section choose SSH2 DSA and press Generate. Move your mouse randomly in the small screen in order to generate the key pairs. Enter a key comment, which will identify the key (useful when. Jul 19, 2013  How To Create SSH Keys With PuTTY to Connect to a VPS Benefits of Public & Private SSH Keys. If your headless, or remote. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with DigitalOcean's guide on How. PuTTY Key Generator (a.k.a. PuTTYgen) While PuTTY is a. To create and use SSH keys on Windows, you need to download and install both PuTTY, the utility used to connect to remote servers through SSH, and PuTTYgen, a utility used to create SSH keys. On the PuTTY website, download the.msi file in the Package files section at the top of the page, under MSI (‘Windows Installer’). Generate ssh keys with putty. PuTTYgen is an key generator tool for creating SSH keys for PuTTY. It is analogous to the ssh-keygen tool used in some other SSH implementations. The basic function is to create public and private key pairs. PuTTY stores keys in its own format in.ppk files. However, the tool can also convert keys to and from other formats.

Change permissions back:

Remove Password Auth

Find: PasswordAuthentication change to

Reload: sudo systemctl reload sshd

Test Login: ssh deploy@server_ip

Add Firewall

💎 3. Install Ruby on Rails & rbenv [Guide]

Login as deploy (i.e. ssh deploy@server_ip or su - deploy)

Add dependencies, rbenv & rails

Install nodejs dependence for Asset Pipeline

Ruby + rbenv dependencies`

Add rbenv & ruby-build

Install ruby 2.5.0 & gems

ðŸx90˜ 4. Add PostgreSQL

Add dependencies:

Create user (this will be same user in your database.yml, username field for the production tag):

Set password for APPNAME

Save Postgres User and Password in password manager

🔑 5. Rails Encrypted Credentials & Active Storage

(for Database Keys, S3 and Secrets)


Install rbenv-vars for environment variable management.


Generate config/master.key for Rails Encrypted Credentials by editing credentials

Adding Postgres Database

Add the postgres production database password to credentials.yml.enc.

Edit database.yml

Copy the RAILS_MASTER_KEY from config/master.key. Save RAILS_MASTER_KEY in Password Manager


Edit rbenv-vars to add the RAILS_MASTER_KEY (because Encrypted Credentials looks for ENV['RAILS_MASTER_KEY'])


Adding Amazon S3

  1. Create an S3 Access Key - Save ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY in Password Manager


Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key

Add S3 Keys to Encrypted Credentials

Edit storage.yml

Add, Commit & Push Changes to Remote Repo


Pull Git Repo with Rails app:

Build Database, and Production Environment

If test fails allow firewall to port 3000 temporarily1:

Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Time

🦄 6. Installing Unicorn [Guide] OR [Passenger Phusion Guide]

Add gem 'unicorn' to Gemfile and bundle.

Edit config/unicorn.rb paste Appendix B: config/unicorn.rb

Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Free

Save and add logging to Rails App:

Edit and add unicorn init script from Appendix C: Unicorn Init Script:

Ensure You Change APPNAME in Init Script to actual app

Update permissions for init script:

Run via:

If run fails and systemctl reveals little, ensure that you rbenv's installation added the RBENV_ROOT properly. Otherwise edit your deploy~/.profile file and add the following and resart the service.

🎡 7. Installing NGINX Reverse Proxy [Guide]

Add NGINX reverse proxy config with block in Appendix D: NGINX Reverse Proxy

Ensure You Change APPNAME in NGINX to actual app

Restart NGINX

🙀 8. Complete

Make sure you have all passwords: Appendix A: Inside Password Manager

All System Operational.


A. Inside Password Manager:

B. config/unicorn.rb

C. Unicorn Init Script


D. NGINX Reverse Proxy

Rails Generates Credentials.yml.enc But Not Master.key Found